Questions about Solaryard lights?

Please find below answers to common questions.

If you can't find what you're looking please contact us here.

Shipping & Delivery

How does shipping work?

Free delivery Australia-wide

We jump into action as soon as your order comes in with orders generally shipping within 48 hrs.

Shipments usually arrive within 3 - 10 business days.

We also offer Express shipping within Australia and usually arrives within 1 - 3 business days.

How do I track my order?

We will send you a shipping confirmation email which will have a ‘Track Order’ button so you can follow the live tracking updates!

Haven’t received your shipping confirmation email yet? Please check your spam folder or contact us at hello@solaryard.com.au with your name and order details.

Help, I think my order is lost/hasn't been delivered?

If you suspect your order is lost during transit, please keep in mind that postal services might not always meet the expected delivery time of 3-8 business days. In such cases, the tracking number may show a delayed delivery date. If your item is not delivered within the above time frames, please contact us at hello@solaryard.com.au with your name and order details.

Can I change my shipping address?

We can absolutely help change this for you! Provided your order has not shipped, please send us the new details and we can change this over for you.

If your order has been shipped, don’t panic! You can still redirect it via the tracking link we provide on your shipping confirmation email.

*Please note: We can only send your order to the address you provide on your order - if you have provided an incorrect address, and the package is delivered there, we are unable to retrieve it so please check your address carefully!

My order arrived damaged, what do I do?

Damage during transit does happen from time to time. Don’t worry, our team is ready to spring into action! Please contact us at hello@solaryard.com.au to advise of the issue, and to help resolve things quickly we request you include your name, order number, and photo of damaged goods.

Do you ship internationally?

We currently ship within Australia only.

Product Questions

Are your lights weatherproof?

Absolutely, all our lights are built tough with IP44 or IP65 (or above) weather resistance, ready to tackle any weather – rain, hail, or shine, they'll keep shining bright. 

And if they ever act up, no worries! Just shoot a message to our support team if you encounter any issues.

Why are all your lights solar-powered?

We're all about using sunshine to power our lights and help you save on bills while being eco-friendly. No fancy wiring needed for our solar lights – they're DIY-friendly, so you won't need an electrician, making it super easy to set them up hassle-free.

Do you offer wholesale or discounts for bulk orders?

Out lights are available through our online store only, we don't offer wholesale discounts for resale purposes. For inquiries regarding bulk personal purchases, please contact us here.

Is Solaryard Australian owned?

Absolutely! Solaryard is proudly Australian-owned and operated, with our headquarters situated in the sunny city of Brisbane. Unlike some,we're not a dropshipping business– all our orders are dispatched directly from our Brisbane warehouse, ensuring a reliable and efficient delivery process for our valued customers.

Returns and Exchanges

Do you have a returns policy?

Yes. Click here to read our Refund Policy.


How secure is your payment?

All jokes and puns aside - your privacy and security is our highest priority. We use Shopify Payments which is an extremely secure and highly encrypted system designed to protect customers and also hold merchants accountable.

What payment types do you offer?

We accept the good old-fashioned methods of payment, such as credit cards (Visa/Mastercard) as well as debit cards that can be used for online transactions. If you’re a bit more tech-savvy, we offer GooglePay and ApplePay too!

Need a little longer to pay for your solar lights? We offer Klarna for Australian customers only.

How do I use a discount code?

Woo, it’s on sale - so you’re basically making money (at least, that’s what we tell ourselves when something is on sale). Simply head to the checkout, and on the first page of the checkout there will be a box for you to enter your discount code in - make sure to click ‘Apply’! This is offered before the payment page so you’re totally aware of how much you can save.

*Please note:Only one discount code can be used per order. If you are purchasing multiple bundles and discounts, we suggest placing separate orders. Strikethrough prices may consider the discount code mentioned in the description.

What currency is your store in?

Our prices are un Australian dollars (AUD).

Contact Us

I have an issue with my order, what can I do?

Something not quite right with your order? Don’t worry, our team is ready to spring into action! Please contact us at hello@solaryard.com.au to advise of the issue, and to help resolve things quickly we request you include your name and/or order number, a detailed description of the issue and photos so we can help identify what has happened.

I need to change my order!

These things happen! Please email us immediately with the subject line CHANGE or CANCEL and we will do our absolute best to carry out your request. If it has already been dispatched from our fulfilment partner you will need to go through our returns process.

As we do our best to get your orders out to you as soon as we can, occasionally an order will be processed before the team has a chance to change it. We cannot guarantee a change of order after the order is placed so please select your items carefully.

How do I contact you?

Gone are the days of carrier pigeons and smoke signals – emailing us is the way to go! Our email contact hello@solaryard.com.au

This also allows us to keep a paper trail for your issue so we can help you as best we can. We answer emails from our Brisbane Headquarters, so we can sometimes have some slight delays in response time.

How do I provide feedback?

We always strive to be the best so we love hearing your thoughts. We also love hearing your amazing Solaryard stories. Should you have any feedback for us, please feel free to email us at hello@solaryard.com.au

Where are you located?

Solaryard HQ located in Brisbane and our warehouses are in Geelong.

Please note we are an online store only - no customer pickup facility available.

Emailing list

Want fun, pun-filled, and always adorable emails straight to your inbox (plus stacks of awesome offers and discounts!)? Of course you do! You can sign up to our mailing list by emailing us at hello@solaryard.com.au and asking to jump on board.

Inbox hitting 1k and doing a spring clean of all those businesses you’ve signed up for? You can also unsubscribe or request fewer emails by going to the bottom of any of our emails and clicking the ‘unsubscribe me’ link - (we’ll miss you though!).